
Secure and harmonize the relationship with the tenants of your property thanks to the services of Mobilia Property Management

The relationship between tenant and landlord is a matter of balance and transparency. Many scenarios and examples could illustrate the problems caused by slippage or contractual incidents between the parties.

On the landlord’s side, the most common fears are about the risk of being confronted with an unscrupulous tenant or bad payer. 

For the tenant, the fear is often based on previous bad experiences with landlords who may have turned out to be unfair or intrusive.

The use of a good rental management service erases these inconveniences which troubles life and causing administrative and financial legal problems that everyone would rather avoid. Mobilia Property Management thus offers tenants and owners a neutral, secure and guaranteed space to live a rental relationship peacefully.

For the landlord , it is reassuring to know that Mobilia Property Management applies simple and effective rules for selecting tenants.

The essential criteria about the solvency of the candidates are scrupulously applied for a set of candidates among which the owner will express his preferences.

The contract that will be offered to the tenant will be clear, precise and complete.

All necessary insurance information and verifications will be validated.

Mobilia Property Management will inform the tenant of all the steps to be taken to transfer the electricity, gas and water contracts to his name. He can support the rentee if necessary. Mobilia Property Management will regularly monitor additional rent payments such as, for example, building charges which, in the event of significant outstanding payments, would be the responsibility of the owner.

Finally, if the lessor asks for an additional service, Mobilia property Management can suggest insurance partners to guarantee any unpaid bills in addition to the compulsory insurance inherent in the status of owner.

All these elements are included, if necessary, in the monthly monitoring tables sent to the tenant.

On the tenant side, Mobilia Property Management acts as a referent for the service of the tenant and represents, in a stable relationship, the owner.

The tenant receives all the information on his rights, duties and obligations, firstly during a personal interview and, secondly, through his rental contract.

Everyone can now understand that Mobilia Property Management works in favor of a harmonious relational and contractual balance between tenants and owners by assuming with humanity, professionalism and method, the most technical and sensitive parts of the administration of the real estate rental.

The tenants are comforted and supported and the owners are relieved of heavy and thankless tasks. They can then take full advantage of the benefits of their status as lessors without having to suffer annoyances and conflicts, which are sometimes insoluble if you are not a rental property professional.

Choosing, as an owner, the services of Mobilia Property Management, is choosing peace of life and peace of mind.